Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI

Get full visibility of your data.

We collect precise data on every interaction to identify trends, understand your customers' behavior and make decisions to optimize your business.

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For tracking and data collection, we implement advanced systems to collect accurate information about user behavior on your website and mobile applications. We use tracking tools to monitor user interactions across different marketing channels, including social networks, e-mail and online advertising.

We optimize your data collection methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information gathered, while complying with data protection regulations.

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Data to empower your business.

We analyze the profitability of each campaign and conversion rates at every stage of the funnel, providing valuable information to help you make the right decisions. We collect, analyze and interpret essential data to understand the behavior of your prospects and customers, enabling us to adjust your strategies to maximize results.


Increase website conversion. Generate more revenue.
We analyze, test and implement strategies to increase the profitability of your webpages.
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Reporting & performance analysis

Transform your data into action.
Evaluate performance and make strategic decisions to improve your results.
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Convincing results.


"The Bulldozer collective and the Commando mission were the perfect cocktail for Addingwell. As a rfast-growing start-up, we require swift decision-making, necessitating senior expertise in media campaign management, a maximum of testing and analysis in a short space of time.

And all this, of course, without resources of this caliber in our in-house teams... Mission accomplished, with over a 50% reduction in the cost of licensing our acquisition solutions, along with an effective red wire campaign plan integrating LinkedIn, Facebook, & Outbound for the LeadGen. Finally, I'd like to thank the Bulldozer team for its responsiveness and the quality of its reports!"

Romain Baer
See the case study
CTR per campaign

"Bulldozer effectively supported us in implementing our candidate acquisition strategy for Throughout the assignment, their teams were very available and attentive to our requirements in order to help us prepare the next stages of our Growth development."

Constantin Czech
Business owner
See the case study

" Serious, multidisciplinary team that experimented various inbound and outbound lead generation strategies. This mission allowed us to rethink our offer so that it found a better Product Market Fit."

Alexandre Guerfi
See the case study

Are you ready?

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100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing