Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI

Increase website conversion. Generate more revenue.

We analyze, test and implement strategies to increase the profitability of your webpages.

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To optimize your conversion rate (CRO), we implement tracking tools to collect data on online user interactions. By analyzing this data, we identify trends, strengths and areas for improvement in your digital strategy.

We use these informations to optimize your strategy and maximize conversions. This involves audience segmentation and the development of detailed customer profiles. These profiles enable us to personalize messages according to users' characteristics and behaviors, thus improving your website's conversion rate.<br><br><br><br><br><br>

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Data for business.

We analyze the profitability of each campaign and conversion rates at every stage of the funnel, providing valuable information to help you make the right decisions. We collect, analyze and interpret essential data to understand the behavior of your prospects and customers, enabling us to adjust your strategies to maximize results.

Reporting & performance analysis

Transform your data into action.
Evaluate performance and make strategic decisions to improve your results.
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Tracking & data collection

Get full visibility of your data.
We collect precise data on every interaction to identify trends, understand your customers' behavior and make decisions to optimize your business.
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Convincing results.


Working with Bulldozer Paid has been a way for us to develop new communication avenues, diversify our media channels, and test and refine messages that resonate with our target audience. The teams' great availability is a real strength. In addition to engaging discussions on our goals, our progress reviews are consistently insightful, helping us to find more and more solutions toour primary lead generation challenge. But that's not all! Always proactive in finding solutions, I personally know that I can rely on Bulldozer Paid for brainstorming sessions on various topics. They have become an integral part of our team, and their contribution is invaluable!

Claire Vargel
See the case study
Fraiche Cancan

"Working with Bulldozer has given us to boost our Lead Gen strategy and, above all, improve our positioning and performance. We tried out the Commando option, 6 weeks to experiment, test, refine and perform! Fluid and efficient collabotation with a responsive team!"

Aurélie Hugnet
See the case study
cost per qualified lead

The Bulldozer collective was very available and helpful throughout the mission. Their help was invaluable in structuring our Growth team in preparation for the next stage.

Clément Meslin
See the case study

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100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing