Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI
Data & AI

Data to empower your business.

We collect, analyze and interpret the data essential to decision-making.

We've received your request.
Small problem.

At Bulldozer, we interpret your data by spotlighting the information with the most significant impact on your revenues.

We base decisions on these insights, using a range of metrics to showcase the effectiveness of our actions. Our customized reports are crafted to align with your specific goals, with a focus on driving revenue, conversions, and growth.

From data to concrete results.

We collect and analyze data to drive commercial impact, delivering benefits across all levels of your business.

Tracking & data collection

Get full visibility of your data.
We collect precise data on every interaction to identify trends, understand your customers' behavior and make decisions to optimize your business.
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Reporting & performance analysis

Transform your data into action.
Evaluate performance and make strategic decisions to improve your results.
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Increase website conversion. Generate more revenue.
We analyze, test and implement strategies to increase the profitability of your webpages.
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From €13,000
Goal :
Defining an operational "growth roadmap" (3, 6, 12 months)To accelerate goal achievement.
Complete analysis of existing business data
Analysis of all marketing & growth elements (value propositions, audiences, funnels, ads...)
Measuring performance against industry benchmarks.
Action plans based on Bulldozer's recognized best practices.
Developing a roadmap covering all key growth strategies (Paid, Outbound, SEO...)
From €6,000/month
Goal :
Test as many levers as possible to quickly identify a "product-market fit" and a "Go to Market" strategy.
A/B tests in “sprints” on all levers
Managing campaigns across all essential channels (Google, Meta, TikTok, X
Providing a dedicated team to create and manage content and media purchases
Implementation of various basic technical set-ups (analytics, retargeting, etc.)
Optional: Web design and integration
From €6,000/month
Goal :
Optimizing and scaling the company's various growth levers.
Providing a growth team that iterates continuously.
Collaborative work with existing teams.
Management and oversight of various performance levers.
Implementation and optimization of various technical set-ups (analytics, retargeting, etc.)
Option: Web design and integration

Convincing results.


"The Bulldozer collective and the Commando mission were the perfect cocktail for Addingwell. As a rfast-growing start-up, we require swift decision-making, necessitating senior expertise in media campaign management, a maximum of testing and analysis in a short space of time.

And all this, of course, without resources of this caliber in our in-house teams... Mission accomplished, with over a 50% reduction in the cost of licensing our acquisition solutions, along with an effective red wire campaign plan integrating LinkedIn, Facebook, & Outbound for the LeadGen. Finally, I'd like to thank the Bulldozer team for its responsiveness and the quality of its reports!"

Romain Baer
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leads (MQL + SQL)

We started customer acquisition for Atoa in the mist, because real estate tokenization is a completely new market.

We'd worked out 4 personas in-house, but we weren't entirely sure that they corresponded to our targets. We were also unsure of how to effectively reach and address them.

Above all, we didn't have the necessary skills within the founding team to carry out our acquisition campaigns.

In this context, Bulldozer's Commando mission seemed perfectly adapted. Bulldozer guided us through a series of 4 sprints, each lasting 7 to 10 days. We were able to iterate on messages, visuals and channels, and identify those that worked best.

At every stage, Bulldozer's multi-disciplinary team was a source of suggestions. We tested different formats that we would have never tried on our own: advertising, video, webinars...

This has allowed us to refine our communication and start building our community.

Thanks Bulldozer!

Guillemette Depresle
Co-founder and CEO
Read the use case

"Bulldozer tackled the growth challenge at Lingo head-on, providing a comprehensive approach (Inbound, Outbound, Brand...). I also appreciate the team's willingness to  go the extra-mile."

Hassam HM Rawat
Read the use case

Your dream-team on demand.

We create an agile team, tailor-made for you, with freelancers who have played pivotal roles in the success of some of the world's top companies.

David Ansillon
Chief Operating Officer
Jordan Chenevier-Truchet
Élise Juhel
Data Analyst
Rémy Faura
Growth Manager
Enguerrand Chalvon Demersay


Why choose Bulldozer to manage my data?

Our experts are proficient at collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data to refine your marketing strategies, all while ensuring compliance with legal regulations and obligations (such as GDPR, for example). With us, you receive a tailored approach that considers the nuances of your business and market, helping you to reach your goals.

How does the Bulldozer performance monitoring process work?

We use a performance tracking process that begins with defining your objectives. Our team then employs a blend of analytical tools and marketing expertise to meticulously monitor your campaign's performance. Regular reports are generated to evaluate results against objectives, and adjustments are made based on insights gained, ensuring continual optimization of campaign performance

How do we ensure that your site's conversion rates are optimized?

<br>This involves optimizing design and user experience, tailoring content to your audience segments, enhancing calls-to-action, and using A/B testing to pinpoint the most effective approaches. Through ongoing data analysis and strategic adjustments, we work to maximize conversions and improve your site's performance.

Are you ready?

We've received your request.
Small problem.
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing