Finance / Insurance
Outbound & ABM
Brand & Content

Reinventing lead generation with a multi-channel approach (+396 leads)

content created
outbound response

The company

Lingo leverages blockchain technology and real estate to reward its community with vacations. In 2022 it raises 3.5 million euros in funding.

Challenge & Objective

In addition to laying Lingo's marketing foundations (website, social networks, editorial charter...), the founders trusted us to :

  • Attract and convince investors to complete their Series A (10 million euros).
  • Build up an initial committed community in the markets of France, Germany and Nigeria.
  • Identify audiences, channels and value propositions with the greatest growth potential.

"Bulldozer tackled the growth challenge at Lingo head-on, providing a comprehensive approach (Inbound, Outbound, Brand...). I also appreciate the team's willingness to  go the extra-mile."

Hassam HM Rawat

The team

Enguerrand Chalvon Demersay
Jordan Chenevier-Truchet
Léo Machabert
Artistic Director


  • Create of content for all social networks (snack videos, tweets, carousels, etc.).
  • Multi-channel, ultra-personalized outbound campaign for investors.
  • Twitter account growth and engagement.
  • Multi-channel inbound campaigns to attract an initial community.
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  • Laying the solid foundations of Lingo's online presence, including website, social networks and editorial charter, was essential to establishing a credible and professional presence in the market. This helped build trust with potential investors and the target community.
  • Ultra-personalized outbound campaigns have demonstrated the importance of personalization in lead generation and investor conversion. By offering relevant content tailored to the specific needs of each prospect, we were able to achieve a significant response rate and establish closer relationships with potential investors.
  • Our experimentation-driven approach allowed us to quickly identify the most effective content, channels and value propositions. This agility empowered us to fine-tune our strategies in real time, maximizing outcomes and refining our influence.


  • +13K community members
  • 100+ pieces of content produced.

  • 21% outbound response

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100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing