Outbound & ABM

Accelerate growth through an agile acquisition strategy (+200 MQL)

scalable outbound campaigns

The company

Apizr is a fine SME based in the Lille region, which has created a platform that connects all the APIs of a company and its service providers. This SaaS solution enables companies to meet the growing challenges of interconnections with third-party systems, start-ups and innovative solutions. Apizr customers include Décathlon, Auchan, Leroy Merlin and the Paul franchise.

Challenge & Objective

When Apizr contacted us, they had not yet launched any growth initiatives, focusing primarily on networking and participation in trade shows. The solution has great potential, but everything remains to be built.
This mission's goals were : 

  • Validate the best acquisition strategies to generate 200 MQL (channels and content strategy) and 10 Opportunities.
  • Outbound testing of different messages, audiences and value propositions.

" Serious, multidisciplinary team that experimented various inbound and outbound lead generation strategies. This mission allowed us to rethink our offer so that it found a better Product Market Fit."

Alexandre Guerfi

The team

Louis-Marie Giudicenti
Growth marketer
Léa Vigier


To achieve our objectives, we setted up :

  • Content creation for acquisition strategies.
  • A/B testing of inbound and outbound acquisition channels.
  • Multi-channel outbound campaigns.
  • Integrating outbound strategies into processes.

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  • Testing different acquisition approaches, both inbound and outbound, has given us a better understanding of what works best for Apizr.
  • A/B testing of channels and messages has given us valuable insights into what resonates most with our target audience. It's essential to keep testing, measuring and adjusting our strategies to maximize results.
  • Integrating outbound strategies into existing processes required close collaboration between the marketing and sales teams. This coordination allowed us to align our objectives and optimize the overall effectiveness of our efforts.


  • 350 MQL
  • 15 appointments with qualified prospects
  • 6 outbound campaigns launched

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100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing