Finance / Insurance
Brand & Content

Recruitment Marketplace Go-To-Market

CTR per campaign
conversion landing page
accounts created per month

The company

Morgan Philips, a leading player in the recruitment industry, has decidedto introduce, a marketplace aimed at facilitating efficient, transparent and seamless recruitment processes for accounting professionals. This platform provides companies access to a pool of over 1,000 qualified and available candidates.

Challenge & Objective

When reached out to us, they had never launched a growth initiative before, and they were driven by ambitious growth objectives. They needed to substantially expand the pool of candidates on their marketplace to attract recruiters and companies seeking accountants.
The goals were clear:

  • A/B test the best-performing prospecting campaigns
  • A/B test the best-performing landing pages
  • 10% click-through rate and 200 accounts created

"Bulldozer effectively supported us in implementing our candidate acquisition strategy for Throughout the assignment, their teams were very available and attentive to our requirements in order to help us prepare the next stages of our Growth development."

Constantin Czech
Business owner

The team

Enguerrand Chalvon Demersay
Léa Vigier
Jeremy Leplu
Head of Growth


  • Creation and deployment of SMS-only campaigns
  • Creation and deployment of multi-channel Mail + SMS campaigns
  • Creation and deployment of multi-channel Mail + Linkedin campaigns
  • A/B landing pages to improve conversion (creation of accounts)
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  • The A/B testing approach allowed Comptables. com to pinpoint the most effective campaigns for attracting qualified candidates to their marketplace. This enabled us to select the most effective strategies for maximizing click-through rates and increasing the platform's visibility among accounting professionals.
  • Analysis and landing pages A/B testing were crucial to improve the conversion of visitors into accounts created on the platform. By identifying the most engaging elements for users, boosted its conversion rate, simplifying the registration process for accountants on the marketplace.


  • 300 professional accounts created
  • 25% click-through rate on the best campaigns
  • 45% conversion rate on best landing page (account creation)

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Small problem.
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing
100M€+ Generated
300+ Clients
100+ Talents
Cutting-edge Growth Marketing