Outbound & ABM

Deployment of an acquisition strategy (+350 MQL, +60% qualified leads)

of qualified leads/m
average cost per lead
book/m demo

The company

Empowill is a company providing a SaaS HR solution for employee career management, empowering SMEs and SMBs to unlock their employees' potential and leverage skills development as a driver for growth. With a team of approximately 30 employees, Empowill has been in existence since 2019.

Challenge & Objective

Empowill approached us to diversify their acquisition strategy by exploring the impact of paid advertising on their market. Seeking to maximize ROI and understand the nuances of their market, they chose to leverage our expertise for this strategic expansion into digital marketing.

Empowill faced a significant challenge : a decline in the number of qualified leads without a clear understanding of the reasons. They reached out to us to broaden their acquisition strategy by investigating the influence of paid advertising on their market.

The objective was therefore to acquire 571 MQLs at an acquisition cost ≤ 28€.

We're very satisfied with Bulldozer's support in designing and deploying our Facebook, Linkedin and Google campaigns. The team was responsive, the communication fluid, their work method structured, and the results are there!

Victoire Baba
Head Of Marketing

The team

Gilles Santos
Head of People


We have deployed a comprehensive strategy to meet Empowill's needs:

  • Development of a new multi-channel inbound marketing approach, with campaigns on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other relevant platforms, specifically targeting HR managers.
  • Creation of organic content to complement paid actions, boosting engagement and attracting qualified leads.
  • Set up a multi-channel outbound campaign, including offline actions, to reach prospects at different stages of their buying journey.
  • Close collaboration with the sales team to develop a complete conversion funnel, from lead generation to conversion into customers.
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  • Combining inbound and outbound actions to maximize results.
  • Close collaboration between the marketing and sales teams has enabled us to set up an effective conversion funnel.


  • 60% of qualified leads
  • Average cost per lead €13
  • 8 demos booked

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