Doc Africa

Deploy an acquisition strategy for the Nigerian market.

downloads per month
Cost per download
registrations in 10 days

The company

Doc Africa was founded with a clear and passionate mission: to revolutionize access to healthcare in Africa. Doc Africa enables users to benefit from high-quality medical consultations, regardless of their location, thanks to its AI-assisted and augmented teleconsultation technology. The founder, inspired by her deep commitment to improving healthcare in Africa, has created an innovative and inclusive solution to bridge the medical gap in regions where access to doctors is often limited.

The app offers an initial analysis of symptoms via an AI chatbot named Nelson. Nelson offers basic recommendations and guides users to a medical consultation if necessary. It then searches for and connects the user to an available doctor in the area, who receives a comprehensive pre-diagnosis. This method optimizes doctors' time and makes care accessible at a reduced cost.

To sum up, Doc Africa is your to-go to assistant for all your medical, wellness and other questions.

Challenge & Objective

To meet the challenges of access to healthcare in Africa, Doc Africa has called on Bulldozer's expertise.

Challenges :

  1. Understand what Nigerians' biggest problems are, so we can offer them an AI tool tailored to their needs.
  2. Penetrate the Nigerian market and prove the viability and usefulness of the application to investors.
  3. Acquire 10,000 downloads and demonstrate strong product adoption.

Working with Bulldozer gave us a better understanding of the market. Their ability to adapt strategies was essential to achieving our goals. Their support has enabled us to reach crucial milestones in our mission to make healthcare more accessible in Africa.

Yana Husic

The team

Eleana Tiedemann
Growth Manager
Jordan Chenevier-Truchet
Juliette Amprino


  1. Test the Nigerian market to gain in-depth knowledge of users and their specific needs.
  2. Define messaging for advertising campaigns based on identified value propositions.
  3. Create and launch digital marketing campaigns on Meta, Google and Twitter.‍
  4. Optimize campaign performance by iterating on winning strategies.
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  1. Importance of local adaptation: Campaigns and messages must be finely tuned to the realities and needs of the local market.
  2. Power of user data: User feedback is crucial for refining product and marketing strategies.‍
  3. Flexibility and agility: Quickly adapting strategies according to performance maximizes results.


The combined efforts of Doc Africa and Bulldozer have paid off.

Thanks to a methodical approach and rigorous execution, Bulldozer helped Doc Africa achieve and surpass its objectives:

  • 13,676 downloads of the application, exceeding the initial target of 10,000.
  • Cost per download (CPD) of $0.6, illustrating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
  • 8,589 registrations in 10 days during Sprint 4, showing strong user commitment.

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