ABM Marketing: Strategies for reaching your key accounts

Published by
Charlotte Nowak
Content Manager

Is your current marketing strategy really reaching your most important key accounts? If you're asking yourself this question, it may be time to discoverAccount-Based Marketing (ABM). This innovative approach is revolutionizing the way B2B companies companies attract, engage and convert potential customers.

ABM enables companies to maximize their return on investment by focusing their marketing efforts on high-potential accounts. This comprehensive guide will show you the basic principles of ABM, its key benefits, and the steps you need to take to implement a successful strategy.

What is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)?

Account-Based Marketing, or ABM, is a B2B marketing approach that optimizes the way companies target and engage their accounts. Unlike traditional methods that target a broad audience, ABM focuses on specific, high-potential accounts, creating personalized, targeted campaigns for each of them.

The aim is to treat each individual account as a market in its own right. This involves collaboration between marketing and sales teams to :

  • identify high-potential accounts;
  • create personalized content and experiences for these accounts;
  • engage key decision-makers within these organizations;
  • measure and optimize performance at account level.

The importance of ABM for B2B marketing

ABM has rapidly become an important element of an effective B2B marketing strategy. 

One of its advantages is a high return on investment, thanks to a concentration of resources on accounts that will generate high revenues. For example, theAircall case shows that an ABM approach can optimize the allocation of marketing resources, enabling a more efficient use of budget.

ABM also enables sales and marketing to be aligned, thanks to closer collaboration between sales and marketing teams, and campaigns to be better personalized

Kahler Communications demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach by penetrating the US market with highly targeted campaigns, tailored to the specific needs of each account. Using the Process Communication Model® (PCM), they were able to understand and respond to the personality structures and communication preferences of their target accounts.

ABM facilitates optimization, especially of campaigns, with precise feedback. Its adoption saves resources, by targeting the most promising accounts and avoiding spending on less likely targets.

Finally, this method provides a precise evaluation of campaign effectiveness and measures the impact of marketing efforts. Rigorous tracking of objectives also ensures that all actions are aligned with the company's strategic goals. 

Key steps in implementing an ABM strategy

Implementing an effective ABM strategy requires a methodical, structured approach. Here are the key steps to follow.

1. Identification of target accounts

The first step is to identify the accounts that offer the greatest value potential for your company. This involves:

  • Analyze existing customer data: Use data analysis tools to spot trends.
  • Defining the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): Create a detailed profile of your ideal customer, taking into account criteria such as company size, sector, sales and specific challenges.
  • The use of artificial intelligence and data enrichment tools : Take advantage of platforms such as Demandbase or 6 sense to analyze large quantities of data and identify accounts that match your KPI. 
  • Account prioritization: Evaluate revenue potential and conversion probability using a scoring system.

2. Researching and understanding accounts

Once you've identified your target accounts, you need to understand them in depth to personalize your approach. This involves :

  • Identifying the key decision-makers in each account: Understand their role in the decision-making process, with the help of tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
  • Identifying the challenges each account faces in its sector. 
  • Study the position of each account in relation to its competitors: Identify potential opportunities, using tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs.
  • Setting up Google Alerts: Keep up to date with the latest developments concerning your target accounts and track their activities on social networks.

3. Personalized messages and offers

Develop customized content that addresses the specific challenges of each account. Tailor your value propositions by adjusting your sales pitch to highlight the unique benefits for each account, using insights gathered during the research phase.

Large-scale personalization is possible thanks to automation tools that enable you to maintain an individualized approach to your communications. You can take advantage of platforms such as Marketo or HubSpot

Finally, identify each account's preferred communication channels and adapt your strategy accordingly. This could include email marketing, social networks, content marketing or even face-to-face events.

4. Alignment of sales and marketing teams

The success of ABM depends in part on collaboration between sales and marketing teams:

  1. Establish KPIs shared between sales and marketing teams, such as number of accounts engaged, conversion rate, or revenue generated per account.
  2. Set up processes to share account insights across teams. Use collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.
  3. Ensure that marketing and sales actions are synchronized and complementary
  4. Train marketing teams in sales techniques, and vice versa, to ensure mutual understanding

How do you create an effective ABM funnel?

An ABM funnel is an effective way of guiding your target accounts through their buying journey. It consists of 4 steps:

  1. Identify: Identify high-value target accounts that match the company's ideal customer profile. 
  2. Expand: Developing engagements by understanding and connecting with stakeholders within these accounts. The aim is to create a complete understanding of each account's needs.
  3. Engage: Engaging key decision-makers within accounts. This involvesusing tailored content and targeted messaging to build trust.
  4. Advocacy: Converting these engaged accounts into loyal customers and brand advocates. This includes providing exceptional after-sales service to improve customer satisfaction and encourage positive referrals.

What content for each stage?

Optimizing content at each phase of the ABM funnel maximizes engagement with target accounts.

Raising awareness starts with initiating contact usinginfographics illustrating market trends, and targeted display ads that draw attention to your expertise and knowledge of the sector.

Engagement involves deepening the relationship with case studies, webinars dedicated to specific issues, and interactive content such as ROI calculators and quizzes.

Conversion is the transformation of prospects into customers. To achieve this, offer product demonstrations tailored to specific account needs, and prepare customized sales proposals.

Loyalty aims to strengthen customer relations, with exclusive newsletters, invitations to VIP events and personalized training programs.

How do you maintain engagement along the funnel?

To maintain engagement throughout the ABM funnel, consider implementing coordinated strategies. Start by coordinating your actions across different channels, such as email, social networks and advertising, to create an immersive experience for your prospects.

Then, adapt your content in real time according to the interactions of each account. The use of artificial intelligence tools can be useful in predicting the future needs and interests of your targets.

Involve your sales team at every stage of the funnel. Their involvement adds a human touch that strengthens the relationship with prospects and increases the chances of conversion. 

Finally, use analysis tools to track interactions at each stage of the funnel.A/B testing of different channels and messages provides insights for optimizing results. 

Tools and technologies for ABM

To optimize your marketing strategy, it's important to use tools that make it easier to identify target accounts. This ensures the personalization of your approaches and offers more accurate measurement of your results. Here are a few examples:

Using data and automation

Data mining andautomation enable the optimization of account-based marketing (ABM). These processes offer more precise targeting and large-scale personalization. They also facilitate real-time tracking and resource optimization, improving campaign efficiency. To find out more :

  • Combine data from your CRM, automation marketing tools and third-party sources to get a 360° view of your target accounts. Tools like Segment or Tealium can help you centralize your data.
  • Use artificial intelligence to identify micro-segments within your target accounts. Apply predictive models to anticipate account needs.
  • Implement content personalization systems on your website and in your communications. 
  • Automate the triggering of marketing actions based on account behavior. 

Performance monitoring and measurement

To optimize your ABM strategy, remember to measure your performance. Start by evaluating engagement per account, progress through the funnel and revenue generated by each account. 

Creating dashboards enables you to visualize theimpact of ABM on your company's key KPIs. Data visualization tools such as Tableau or Looker can help you create reports.

Finally, we recommend setting up attribution models that take into account all interactions with an account.

Case studies : Optimization using the ARM approach


Aircall, a French start-up specializing in cloud-based business telephony, used an ABM approach to optimize its marketing strategy.

Strategy in place :

  • Audit and benchmark competitors for optimal positioning.
  • Development of an SEO roadmap and targeted advertising campaigns on Google Ads, Meta and LinkedIn.
  • Analysis and optimization of existing campaigns to maximize performance.
  • Website optimization and in-depth data analysis for more precise insights.

Thanks to this ABM approach, Aircall has achieved the following results:

  • Relevant insights to activate the right marketing levers.
  • In-depth data analysis to enhance the value of our actions for other teams.
  • A roadmap for prioritizing marketing actions.
  • More qualified processes and greater autonomy in managing priorities.


Teamstarter, a crowdfunding platform for entrepreneurial projects, used ABM to generate qualified leads efficiently.

Strategy in place :

  • Targeted multi-channel inbound marketing campaigns on Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • Design of captivating visuals to attract the attention of startups.
  • Creating and optimizing a sales tunnel.
  • Implementation of tracking and CRM elements.

Thanks to this approach, Teamstarter has achieved a new level of performance:

  • +62% in leads compared with the previous period.
  • +15% in qualified leads.
  • 0.89% average click-through rate on Meta and LinkedIn.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is an essential essential strategy for B2B companies seeking to maximize their commercial impact. It enables companies to focus on their high-potential accountsby offering a personalized marketing experience tailored to the needs of each account.

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