7 rules for generating revenue with Cold Email

Published by
Jordan Chenevier-Truchet

Cold email, is the go-to-market strategy with the best ROI: Here are 7 rules to make it a revenue driver in 2023 :

1. Match between message and target audience

Your first objective is to present the right message to the right audience. If your product solves a clear problem, write exactly how and tailor the message to your audience.

→ Write a core value proposition→ Identify and find emails for 3 Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs)→ Find 2 marketing messages per ICP

2. Database segmentation

To successfully implement point 1, you'll need to build and segment your database. Make it as granular as possible to identify the best audience.

Here are 4 useful criteria for segmenting:

  • Professional profile
  • Company sector
  • Company growth rate
  • Company purchase intentions

3. Crisp" writing

Your prospects probably receive 20 to 100 emails a day. Make your copy "crisp" with these 5 points:

  • Simple object: for example, company x reddot
  • Short sentences, short paragraphs
  • Social proof in the first email
  • Customized content
  • Straight to the point

4. Use of flexible AHUs

Based on the 20 campaigns we've run over the past 3 months, soft CTAs outperform hard CTAs. They open up more conversations and relationships because they seem less sales-oriented.

  • Flexible CTA: are you interested in this solution?
  • CTA dur: are you available on Tuesday at 2 p.m.?

5. Make sure you have a solid technical foundation

All this is pointless if your e-mails end up in spam or bounce. Set up an appropriate configuration with a simple checklist:

  • Heat up your domain
  • Configure annoying things (DMARC, DKIM)
  • Clean up your database with ZeroBounce

6. Analysis of key KPIs

Email marketing software such as lemlist provides key rates for your campaigns. Here's what they tell you about your campaigns:

  • Bounce rate → if you have correctly completed point 4 of this list
  • Open rate → if your subject is good + authority level
  • Click-through rate → if your copy/value proposition triggers an action
  • Response rate → if your copy generates engagement

7. Going further with the interest rate (i%)

Response rate is not proof of success; interest rate is. Assess the viability of your product-market fit with this question: Out of 100 people, how many are interested in your product?

Interest rate = Number of interested respondents / Number of emails opened

Be sure to segment the results by identifying :

  • Interest rates by ideal customer profile
  • Interest rate by value proposition
  • Interest rates by target country

Bonus: Feedback loop for iteration

Set up a fast system to collect daily feedback from the sales team that manages leads. They need to keep you informed so you can iterate on campaigns.

Here are 3 things to do with them:

  • Track revenue pipeline by segment
  • Track participation by message
  • Track sales speed by segment

In the 40 B2B projects we've managed, cold email was the best channel.

Contact us to start generating revenue with cold email.

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