What is a tagging plan and how do you set it up?

Published by
Charlotte Nowak
Content Manager

Are you wondering how to effectively structure your tags to track your performance? Find out how a tagging plan can transform your data strategy.

A well-defined tagging plan offers a number of advantages: better organization of data, precise tracking of performance, and optimization of marketing campaigns. marketing campaigns.

In concrete terms, it can help you increase your conversion ratesbetter understand the customer journey, and optimize your advertising spend. In this article, we'll explore in detail what a tagging plan is, why it's essential, and how to implement it step by step.

Tagging plan: definition and benefits

What is a tagging plan?

A tagging plan, also known as a markup plan, is a strategic document that serves as a guide for implementing and managing tags on a website or mobile application. It's a document that lists all the data to be measured on a website or application, as well as their implementation.

The tagging plan generally includes the following elements:

  • Data to be collected.
  • Where to store this data in the analysis tool.
  • The collection method.
  • The people responsible for each element.

It plays a crucial role in any tagging strategy, translating business objectives into measurable data and guiding theimplementation of the tagging plan.

Why is a tagging plan essential? 

A well-designed tagging plan is essential for several reasons:

Ensuring data reliability

The tagging plan is crucial to guaranteeing the reliability of the data collected. It prevents measurement errors and ensures that data is relevant and usable.

Optimizing performance

By structuring data collection, the tagging plan enables more effective analysis of user behavior. This facilitates optimization of website performance and marketing campaigns.

Making informed decisions

With reliable, well-organized data, marketing and product teams can make more informed decisions, based on accurate insights.

4 key steps to creating a tagging plan

The creation of an effective tagging plan follows several key stages:

1. Defining objectives

Start by clarifying what you want to measure and why. We recommend that you clearly define your business objectives and the associated KPIs.

2. Choice of tools 

Select the platforms and tools you need for your tag configuration. Commonly used tools include Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, and various consent management solutions.

3. Tag structuring

Organize your tags by category (tracking, conversions, interactions). This step is crucial for efficient tag management.

4. Documentation and implementation 

Create detailed documentation of your tagging plan and implement it on your site. It's essential to formalize the plan in a structured document.

5. Testing and validation

Make sure the beacons are working properly and collecting the right data. This acceptance phase is essential to guarantee the reliability of your tracking system.

Example of a tagging plan

Concrete examples of tagging plans

To better understand the structure of a tagging plan, let's look at a few concrete examples:

Tagging plan for an e-commerce site

An example tagging plan for an e-commerce site might include :

  • Track product pages visited.
  • Track basket additions.
  • Measuring conversions and sales.
  • Purchase path analysis.

Walmart Canada improved its mobile experience by making its site fully responsive. By carrying out rigorous A/B testing and removing unnecessary distractions, such as the "View Details" button for out-of-stock products, Walmart achieved an overall increase in conversions of 20%

Even more impressively, on mobile, conversions increased by 98%. This case study shows how optimizing a site's design and functionality, based on customer data, can have a significant impact on results.

Tagging plan for a blog

For a blog, the plan might focus on :

  1. Time spent on articles.
  2. Engagement rate (comments, shares).
  3. Track newsletter subscriptions.

For example, a lifestyle blog implemented a detailed tagging plan, including tracking time spent on each article, social interactions and newsletter subscriptions. The result: in 3 months, they saw a 20% increase in newsletter subscriptions and 30% more engagement on comments and shares, thanks to adjustments in the choice of popular topics and optimized CTAs (Call-to-Action) at the bottom of the page.

Best practices and tools for a successful tagging plan

To optimize your tagging plan, follow these best practices:

Common mistakes to avoid when defining your tagging plan

Here are a few mistakes to avoid: 

  • not naming tags correctly ;
  • want to measure everything indiscriminately;
  • neglect the regular updating of the plan.

Make sure you keep your tagging plan up to date with the evolution of your marketing objectives and tracking technologies.

Tools and resources for creating and managing a tagging plan

Several tools can help you create and manage your tagging plan:

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

GTM is an essential tool for implementing your tagging plan. It enables you to :

  • Centralize the management of all your tags.
  • Deploy and update tags without developer intervention.
  • Create custom triggers for your tags.
  • Test your tags before putting them into production.


Google Analytics 4

GA4 is the analysis tool par excellence for exploiting the data collected via your tagging plan. It offers :

  • Detailed reports on user behavior.
  • Advanced customer journey analysis features.
  • Predictive capabilities based on machine learning.


 Consent management tools

These tools are crucial for comply with data protection while implementing your tagging plan.

A tagging plan is the key to an effective data strategy. Not only does it enable you to gather valuable information on your users' behavior, it also helps you to optimize your marketing performance and make informed decisions. By following the steps and best practices presented in this article, you'll be able to create a robust tagging plan tailored to your specific needs.

Don't wait any longer to set up or optimize your tagging plan. Every day without accurate tracking is a missed opportunity to improve your performance. Start structuring your data collection approach now, and see the positive impact on your results!

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